Worst people at Cornhole Events:

At this point, it is safe to say we have all been to a cornhole event of some kind. Through the many events I have attended thus far, I have consistently found there to be certain individuals who show up at each event. This is just a little rundown on the people you may, or may not encounter while participating in an event! Enjoy!

-The “I’m sponsored” guy


-We all know that one person. A competitive, borderline advanced (in their own mind) player who lets the world know he is “sponsored” by “insert Bag company”. What these individuals forget to mention is that rarely are they sponsored because of their skills on the board. Most often they are marketing tools used by companies to make sure they are represented in particular regions of the country. They get a jersey/hat/set of bags, etc. which is great! I have zero issue with a player proudly rocking/representing a brand….but please stop trying to sell it as if you blew them away with amazing performances, meanwhile shooting a 73 dekaround in a ghost league. Be humble. Be thankful. Proudly rep the brand! But don’t be a poser.

-The “Way too drunk” guy

-I am certain we have all been to an event where that one guy just gets WAY too hammered! Don’t get me wrong, I like to enjoy myself as much as the next guy, but you just have to hold you shit together! There is not much that is more annoying than a guy/girl, hammered, screaming for no reason, acting like they were 14 again and getting drunk for the first time. I like to think us cornhole players, as a community, can hold our liquor with the best of them. So throw it straight (if you can), throw them back, but don’t be THAT guy!

-The “Way too serious” guy

-I like winning. I am super competitive, and during a match, my opponent (brother included) is not my friend. As competitive as I am, the second the match is over, win or lose, I shake my opponents hand and grab a beer. Most of us have been at an event, or played with/against someone who just takes the game WAY too serious. Pouting when they get a “bad” blind draw partner, bitching about their partner’s performance or taking the shit talking to the point where a fight is bound to go down. It’s ok to want to win. It really is. It’s ok to be mad at your performance…. But don’t let the desire to win ruin someone else’s experience.

-The “Brings a million bags to an event” guy

-Have you seen that guy coming to an event, rolling a suitcase behind him filled with 30 different sets of bags? Now I am all for being prepared…..but come on. If you can’t cover all your basic throwing needs by carrying a Bags Board backpack (the best quality backpack that holds six sets), then you might need to focus on how you throw more than what you throw. I can hear it now…”Sean, Don’t you have like 100 sets of bags?” I admittedly have way too many bags, but you won’t catch me bringing more than a bags board backpack to an event! If you like to show off your “collection”, then steadily rotate the bags you bring!

-The “Sandbagger” guy

-There is a special place in hell for “Sandbaggers”. What is sandbagging? Sandbagging: is a strategy of lowering the expectations of an individual's strengths and core competencies in order to produce relatively greater-than-anticipated results. In simpler terms, these are the pieces of shit who purposely play “down a division” so they improve their chances of winning. I just don’t understand these people. Do you feel better about yourself? They are probably the same people who look into a mirror and tell themselves how great they are. They post pictures of themselves winning events, but fail to tell friends who weren’t there that they won the “Social” division despite playing for the last 10 years.

                Now, this does not pertain to the individuals who are new to the game. Some people are naturals and will be successful early on. But to each and every individual who “sandbags”….may you rot in Hell for eternity (too harsh? Not harsh enough?)

-The “Where’s Waldo” guy


-These individuals are often the life of the party and can frequently be found within 10-20 steps of bar. You get called for a match and head over….your opponents arrive…your partner is nowhere to be found. Now you are standing there, looking around, promising that your partner will be right there. You eventually go searching with no luck. Eventually they show up, (hopefully no “Poopgate” incident) and they act like they weren’t making you wait for 15 minutes. “I had to take a quick piss and grab a beer”. These guys/girls are often loveable, and you just cannot stay mad at them. But by the end of the night you feel like a fucking sheep dog and find yourself wondering how the hell these people have made it so far in life.

-The “Backyard champion” guy

-Oh this is the guy who as soon as he starts playing poorly, “reminds” you of how amazing they are at home or a different venue. They complain about board conditions, the lighting, the bags or the beer not being strong enough. They will do anything in their power to convince you that they are really very good….when often times….it’s just not the case

So there you have it!! Does this article remind you of someone you know?!? What other “guys” have all of you encountered?!?! Let us know!!

As always, I hope you throw it straight and it’s nothing but 4 baggers from here on out!!





The Thrill of the Chase