The Thrill of the Chase

written by Dane Asp

Have you ever wondered what is going through your opponents head as they play? Well here, Dane gives us a little insight as to what goes through his mind…..

Narrated by Morgan Freeman (hopefully someday)


Setting the scene:

A typical weekday league, surrounded by fellow baggers and friends alike. Rather than heading home from work for your typical dinner with family then a few hours of mind numbing sitcoms, you are HERE! League night isn’t a privilege; it’s an honor to us all. Where worries and inhibitions are thrown to the wind and replaced with beers, bags, and general merriment.

A long night ahead of you with 5 games to be played against valiant opponents! Before the games commence, beers are needed. Whilst practicing and consuming, you begin to find your groove. Feeling confident, the games are about to begin!


First two games in the books! Flying high and feeling fine, you and your partner rip off some nice wins and seemingly feel like you just can’t miss. Need a beer to celebrate and to keep it rolling! Next opponents are the league leaders, but fear not, for you have enough liquid courage for 10 cowardly lions. Next match up, let’s do this!


—— Little do you know that one seemingly small event will be your unraveling for the rest of the night. That small event being, the thrill of the chase....




“God damn I’m on fire right now” as you point down to your glassy eyed partner.

“Hell yeah brother that’s 6-0”


Your partner throws his first off while his next 3 go in the hole. His opponent has a chance to put up 3, but chokes and leaves his bag short of the hole, you give up 1.


“My bad” your partner yells in frustration.

“That’s alright, it’s only one point, we got this!”



Your opponent opens up by putting his first bag in.

You throw and leave the bag short, but just in front of the hole, perfect blocker.


— queue internal fist pump


Your opponent decides to just take the bag and executes flawlessly, he’s up 6-3 this round.

“Thanks for doing the work for me” you say as you step up to throw your next bag.


Bag looks good on it’s way to the hole, when suddenly there is a wicked kick, placing your bag just to the side of the hole, but alas, you see a corner hanging over.


Your partner yells, “That’s alright, you can grab that bag.”

Your thought exactly, as you have been hitting every shot today.


Opponent bangs into your bag on his next toss, his drops while your bag moves slightly more to the side of the hole.

“I can still grab that bag” you think to yourself as you step up with confidence.

“I’ve hit this shot before, it’s a tough one, but he’s got 3 in and I’m on fire, let’s do this” as you internally pump yourself up for certain success.


And the release....




What the f@#& was that????



You hang your head in shame as you can’t believe what just played out before you.

“Have I thrown a Cornhole bag before? Jesus Christ, that was one of the worst attempts I’ve made in my life!” As you internally wallow in self doubt.


“That’s alright partner, still got a bag left!”


“Holy shit he’s right” as you look down in your hand and stare at what might as well be the Holy Grail.

“I can right this ship with this last bag, I don’t have to give up a big round, I still have you, my beautiful last bag!” As all sorts of emotions rip through you in an instant, but may as well be an eternity.


Then it hits you, “oh man he still has a bag left too! If he misses then I can escape this round giving up minimal dama.....”

Opponent drops it in with ease

“Damn it” as you exhale


“Ok, I’ve been playing great today, time for a little more magic!”

“Is that corner hanging over the hole?” You yell down to your partner.

“Yeah, barely. But don’t do anything stupid” he yells back.


“Stupid? Stupid? Has he been seeing the Cornhole display I have exhibited today? People should be taking notes!” As you start to pump yourself up with bravado.


“Airmail drag, I’ve done that 1000 times while practicing. Time to show that all the hard work is paying off!


You step up and release a beautiful high arcing shot. It felt good, really good as it came out of your hand. The glory is in sight, distance felt perfect, that’s the one in a million shot you were hoping for!!!!!


 Well shit.... Distance was perfect, but the line was askew. Not only did you miss, but it threw your other bag off the board.


“Did I just give up a nine point round” you think to yourself as you avoid making eye contact with your partner.

“I told you not to do anything stupid” he yells furiously while turning a strange reddish orange color in the face.



Stupid it was, and that blunder was too much to come back from. Shot after shot you begin questioning as your whole game unravels. What began as a great day took a sharp turn toward the dark side. A dark side that no amount of beer can bring light to. That round will haunt your dreams, all because of the thrill of the chase...





Worst people at Cornhole Events:


2021 Bag Brawl Recap: