2021 Bag Brawl Recap:

The always exciting ACL Bag Brawl event is over. Through three ACL National events we are yet to see a repeat winner in Singles or Doubles. Familiar faces have made it to the main stage, but have swapped places along the way, truly living up to the ACL motto, “Anyone can play, Anyone can win”.

I was pleased with my projections from both my Doubles and Singles preview, and thank you to those who read them! I have stated before that there is absolutely nothing personal when I make projections. I do, however, have to admit I get a sick satisfaction when I am right after someone calls me out, unhappy about what I said (this is me saying less). In Doubles, I was correct in picking 56% of the semifinalists (9/16) and 50% of the final 4 teams; Singles, I was able to select 56% (18/32) of the quarter finalists with a 75% success rate in selecting the final 4!! The numbers aren’t to brag, but to show just how difficult it is to predict outcomes from one event to the next. That being said, lets break down some of the action from this past weekend!


Big Asp Cornhole POdcast Episode 69: Sean Predicts Guy/Graham victory

By now I am sure you have heard the Matt Guy/Jamie Graham have won the doubles event. It was bound to happen. These two are just too talented and it was only a matter of time, as some predicted, that they figured it all out (VIDEO DROP). The worst thing in the world that could have happened for the other teams was Matt Guy Blowing a victory in Singles. This lit a fire under his ass and you could tell from the start he was motivated to come out of this weekend with a win. It wasn’t exactly all sunshine and rainbows, as Bernacet and Gustafson gave them a bit of a scare!! The match was all but over, before Bernacet/Gustafson decided to wake up and play. In the end, Guy/Graham settled down and took care of business.  Side note: Do people realize that Bernacet and Gustafson only have three losses on the year…yes only three….all three losses to Guy/Graham. Just INSANE!!! In hindsight, it was dumb of me to have not picked them…live and learn.


The doubles finals match had no shortage of familiar names as Guy, Graham, Henderson, Hissner are 4 of the most recognizable names in the sport. The actual match itself was, if I am being honest, pretty average. Hissner/Henderson both just seemed a bit off and you just can’t afford that against Guy/Graham. Perhaps the most entertaining part of the entire match was the ever so subtle “shit talk” from Matt Guy. Set up with an opportunity to win the game if he put his final three bags in the hole, Matt Guy let out an audible “nope” each time he released the bag……the bag was drilled dead center of the hole and went in. This, most people might not realize, was a subtle jab at Hissner, who has the habit of yelling “NOPE!” when he knows a shot is going in. Part of me can’t help but wonder if this was Papa Guy being a bit protective of Bret, who Hissner beat early that day in doubles. Either way, I don’t see Guy and Hissner being best of friends any time soon. We can only hope these two teams face off again!

Other notes:

The country was introduced to Jordan Power/Chad Webb!! These two played their butts off and gave Camba/Bladwin a run for their money!! Jordan Power is scary good….remember the name people! It was disappointing to see one of my final four selections not compete. I had picked Derrick King/Trey Burchfield to make the final four, mainly because I think Trey Burchfield is the greatest player in the world…currently. I’ve heard from a reliable source that DK is dealing with some personal issues. I feel bad. I feel bad for Trey getting short notice and not being able to play in doubles. I also feel bad for DK. I spoke on a recent episode with Cody Henderson about the “hitch” in his throw…I was convinced this was a mental glitch of some sort. I will not sit here and pretend I know exactly what is going on, but I will say, DK, If you need anything….there are hundreds of people you can reach out to! We all want to see you and Trey, back on the boards, kicking ass soon!!

The “Texas GOATS” had themselves a nice showing. Batson/Grinderslev and Groce/Sims continue to show they belong among the top teams in the world. Devon Harbaugh/Brandon Corwin lived up to their potential as they place a solid T-9th (3rd in bracket). Hadley/Zaft proved to people that their performance from National number 2 was not a fluke as they finished a strong 5th in their bracket. Really diving into the standings, one team popped out at me. Team “Bang Bang” Ressurreccion/Labrador had an epic run where they rattled off 5 wins in the loser’s bracket to finish a very impressive 4th place bracket finish. Speaking of impressive runs, Baldwin/Camba lost their 2nd round match to Power/Webb and WENT OFF!! Winning 7 straight games, including a double dip to make the final 4, they flexed and reminded people who won National number 1.


I am not going to lie…when Daymon Dennis pulled off the improbable comeback win over Matt Guy, I thought he was going to win it all. I thought we were going to have to sit through another 4 hour match as we watch DD stare down the board for 3 minutes in between each throw (obviously kidding! DD is one of the coolest people I have had the pleasure of meeting…but he does play slow). But Trey, mother loving, Burchfield was in the HOUSE!! This kid/robot/young man, whatever you want to call him, is just a freak of nature. God put him on the planet to throw cornhole bags in the hole…and to make it look easy. Obviously disappointed from his loss in the Singles Finals at National Number 2 and I assume his inability to play doubles, Trey put together one hell of a run to the finals!

Notable stuff:

Brevon Valdivia and Matthew Stout came back to earth a bit this National event. I give credit to Trey Ryder who said he felt like Valdivia was a top 15 player, and this performance will put him right around that ranking heading into National number 4. Cheyenne Renner had a solid run, bullying her way all the way to the winner’s bracket finals. She lost to Trey Burchfield, but finished 3rd in her bracket (the 2nd best female finish thus far in Pro singles). Nate Stevens had a solid day, placing 9th in his bracket, whereas Matthew Morton placed 11th. I think one of the surprises of the singles brackets had to be the run by Scott Lane. Apparently someone forgot to tell Mr. Lane that it is 2021, because he had zero regard for cornhole lives this weekend. Playing like it was 2016, Scott lane rolled to a solid 6th place finish in his bracket (maybe he used the Hulk bags again?!?). Jimmy Youmans…..I see you!!! Each National this guy keeps improving (tied for 13th overall). Eric Anderson also had himself a solid weekend, showcasing his talent. This guy is one game away from making it back to the main stage (tied 13th overall).  One last little note. A shout out if you will…Chad Braun, went on a freakin tear this weekend! He had to play his doubles partner, Anthony Kissel, in the first round (he lost). Chad went on and won 5 straight games finishing with a respectable 8th place finish in his bracket!

Final Takeaway:

Do you realize how good of a season Cody Henderson is having. This past weekend he finished 3rd in Singles and 2nd in Doubles. National Number 1: 3rd in Doubles and 2nd in Singles. His worst finish so far has been T-5th in both Singles and Doubles, which happened to be at Cornhole Mania Event. He is currently tied with Matt Guy with FOUR final 4 appearances across Singles and Doubles (out of a possible 6 chances), and based on the numbers, Cody is having the better all-around season. If I were to get a vote for MVP of the season, it would be between Trey Burchfield, Daymon Dennis and Cody Henderson. If Cody gets over the hump and wins a Singles or Doubles event at a National event this year, it would be tough to make an argument otherwise.


Plenty of cornhole left this season! I am excited to see how it all unfolds! Let me know who you would pick as your current MVP!! As always, I hope you throw it straight and it’s nothing but four baggers from here on out! Later!



The Thrill of the Chase
