ACL updates: So you Want to be a Pro?

Although it’s only Tuesday (FML), there have been plenty of updates to discuss! Let’s jump right in…..


-The ACL is putting its’ proverbial foot down on bag companies who are struggling to get bags shipped out. They are now requiring “all ACL bag manufacturers to have a bag fulfillment within 30 days going into the 21/22 ACL season”. Bag manufacturers will no longer be able to offer bags, to the public, in which their wait time is longer than the previously specified 30 days. What does this mean for the rest of us?? That means bag companies will no longer be able to offer these “limited edition” bags and throw in that tiny caveat “4-6” weeks to ship. Bags can only be offered if their inventory is built up enough, or they may only offer quantities that they know they can handle inside the 30 day window. Gone are the days of “robbing Peter to pay Paul”. Now let’s be clear…most bag manufactures do an excellent job at this! Some bag manufacturers probably looked at this info and laughed. But at least two companies (Meow) come to mind (shamrocks, horseshoes, etc) that have struggled mightily with these deadlines. Will they be able to keep up? Time will tell….

ACL selects next crop of Pros

-The complete ACL pro list should be released within the next few days as on Monday, September 13th emails were sent out to all individuals who had submitted pro applications for consideration. Out of several hundred applications (over 500 I have heard) the ACL team, tasked with this daunting ordeal, selected 59ish individuals to join the league as an “ACL Pro”. Popular names such as Tanner Halbert, Eric “EZ” Zocklein Whitney Martinez and Dayton Webber were among those selected as new cornhole professionals in the American Cornhole League.

So you only kind of like me???

-64 players were selected to be part of the newly established Pro Development Cup. What in the world?? Let’s break this down. Last season specifically, for many reasons, not all 256 ACL pros were able to make each National Event. That means there were open spots in brackets….it’s kind of a bad look…it most certainly helped some teams/individuals who received a first round bye when it hadn’t necessarily been “earned”. These 64 eager individuals will compete on Day 1 at each National event in a Rounders type format to determine who would be utilized, if any, to fill the vacant spots in the Pro bracket. In all reality, there could be anywhere from 0-64 of these individuals who would compete in a pro division at any given National event. Oh, and they get to earn pro points as well….so if one of these 64 players “balls out” and places in the top 100 of singles by the end of the year….they are automatically pros next season!

My thoughts? Well since you asked…..I think it is a step in the right direction. I have asked the question, to Trey Ryder and Stacey Moore, on the podcast about the ACL’s plan to create a “minor league” type system. Will this system be flawless?!? No, of course not. But the ACL will learn from this and adapt; something I think they have shown to be good at so far.

Eventually, I see there being a full blown “D league” (see NBA) with a relegation type system. The top “X” number of players from the development league move up to the big leagues while The Pros who did not meet criteria based on points get moved down. The worst of the Development league is dropped to allow for an influx of new players. Will this happen? Is it even possible to manage? No clue. But if we are trying to ensure the BEST 256 players in the world are competing each and every season…I think this idea could offer upside.

Another note….don’t count out these 64 players. Some feel spited for not being selected. Others are hungry to prove they belong. Some are 12 years old and ridiculous at throwing bean bags in a hole. Bold prediction….Twin Terrors (at least one of them) places top 4 in a pro bracket next season

Young Guns Poised to Make Noise

- The 8 junior ACL pros have been selected: Eian Cripps, Alex Hicks, Peyton Mares, Tyce Cobb, Kaleb Batson, Isabella Suprenant, Tucker Stills and Moses Zazueta. At first glance, Batson obviously strikes me as a junior player who will continue to find success at the pro level. Alex Hicks is scary….like could win a bracket scary. I think Isabella will find success in the women’s division this year, but could be a year away from making a big splash in singles (I could be wrong). As the game continues to grow there will be a greater influx of young talent. Most major sports organizations have age limitations and I am ok with this. Cornhole is just starting to get its’ feet wet in the gambling ring and just can’t afford to have more at this time.

More Random Notes:

- Pro doubles teams will continue to be announced as a fresh crop of pros officially enters the cornhole world. Be on the lookout for an update on these announcements next week. Several players have yet to announce their partners including Berklee Pair, Timmy Jonas, Chad Webb, Kaylee Hunter (I won’t spoil the fun just yet) and John Kitchin

- Adrian Johnson announces he will be partnering up with Leston Allen. Johnson, a Gladiator Cornhole staple has shown flashes of his potential. Leston Allen, when he plays consistently, has shown he belongs among the top. This is a team that could cause upsets throughout the season

Well there you have it!! We will continue to update you as news comes out!! But until then…

I hope you throw it straight and it’s nothing but 4 baggers from here on out!



New Investors Fuel Continued Growth for the ACL


Pairing Bags and Beers!