2022 National Preview: Doubles

There is just something about doubles that I love. This off season we saw several big names decide to change things up and will be throwing with different Pro partners despite having success last season. The Open events gives us a small sample of how teams may or may not mesh, however often times players mix it up at the open events. For many teams, this may be the first event they are playing in together. Gone are the days of “easy” first round matches where a team’s individual talent would carry them through as they try to figure it out…when the field is this deep…chemistry will be a bigger deal that most want to admit. With all of that being said, let’s jump right into each bracket and break them down!!

Bracket A:

Top Left: 

Two of the more well-known “Rookies” of this class, Tanner Halbert and Eric Zocklein, are sticking together after a very successful previous ACO season. These two have chemistry and have grinded out wins. They have the experience you like in a team you look for to make a deep run. Unfortunately for them….they are placed in the same subsection as Matt Guy and Jamie Graham.  Last season’s 2x National Champion team and Number 1 ranked team  come into this season as the clear cut, no doubt about it, “team to beat”. Despite Jamie Graham having an “average” singles season, he was able to lock in when it came to doubles. Matt Guy has been an absolute nightmare so far this season. I think we eventually  see Halbert/EZ vs Maupin/Hunter in the second round, although Maupin/Hunter will be tested early vs Fink/Hughes (how will Hughes adjust to the steady level of competition?). I think Halbert/EZ grind out a win and face Guy/Graham in the  quarterfinals.

Bottom Left:

This sub section, at first glance, doesn’t “wow” you. There are teams with potential here that I think deserve some attention. Emory Parker is a very solid doubles player who has experience playing in the biggest  games on the biggest stage. If he plays to his potential, he and partner, Alan Rawls, could make a run to the semi-finals. Alex Hicks last shown the cornhole community just how good he can be. An open singles win already under his belt, Hicks will be the anchor of the partnership between he and Kyle Hutley. No offense to Hutley, but “show me something”. I think Hicks carries them to round 2 where they meet with Local Bag Boys (no not Hissner/Henderson), Berklee Pair and Jordan Langworthy. Through the first few opens that Pair/Langworthy have played together they have been very solid. Jordan seems to be rounding back into his old form and Berklee is one the most talented rookies in this class. I think this duo does enough to battle their way to the semi-finals where they face-off against….Guy/Graham (boring…I know).

Top Right:

The highlighted match in the first round of this bracket should be Malone/Johnson vs Mares/Rosier. All four players are extremely talented and like to play that strategy style game. Kyle Malone is consistently underrated, and I have a feeling he will make me look dumb for not picking him in Singles to come out of his sub section (difficult as it may be). I think Malone, having been a solid pro the last few seasons and having won National Championships before in doubles, gives their duo the edge needed to advance to the quarterfinals.  Cheyenne Renner, fresh off an incredible 2021 season, switches things up and decides to partner with James Baldwin. Baldwin is not stranger to winning doubles championships and did so last season with former ACL Pro, Jordan Camba who has since been suspended this season. Renner and Baldwin have already found success in the Opens and James Baldwin just always seems to perform well in Nationals. Their talent is just too much to handle and they advance to the semi-finals.

Bottom Right:

This subsection is filled with sneaky good 1st round matchups. Tyce and Tubby Cobb made the switch back to BG bags, yet have failed to make the splash in Open events thus far. I think we will see them click at some point this season…I just don’t see it here. They have a tough first round match against Team Big Daddy. James Cumberland is a name you should familiarize yourself with. He and partner Robert Sperry will be a tough out at any tournament. Wooten/Smith…..which version will we get? These two are like very close friends off the boards and obviously have tons of talent on the boards. They are both prone to lackluster performances. I expect Tony Smith to shine in Singles this weekend, which happens to play out the day before doubles. They somehow get by Connie Altice and Clayton Roberston and advance to the quarterfinals (but don’t be shocked if there is a first round upset there). The next match, would be the one I would want to watch. Shultz/Kitchin vs the Reul brothers. Anthony and Justin looked really impressive at times last year and come in with high expectations for this season. They face a newly formed team of very solid veteran players though. I’ve said in the past, Jon Kitchin is very underrated and consistently finds himself in the mix. Has the former, “Man of the year”,  won a championship in doubles? Well, No…but I think he and Schultz will be very solid this year.  I’ll give the nod to the Reul brothers to advance, mostly due to team chemistry. Smith/Wooten beat out the Reul brothers and advance to the semi-finals against Renner/Baldwin for a star studded match!


Guy/Graham vs Langworthy/Pair

Renner/Baldwin vs Wooten/Smith

Winner’s bracket finals:

Guy/Graham over Renner/Baldwin


Bracket B:

Top Left:

This first sub section is winnable. By Winnable I mean Anderson/Smith should win this sub section if they want to be taken seriously as a top 10 doubles team. Yes they potentially  have McGuffin/Geary in the mix, but we just have to see how everything plays out. It should be either one of those two teams that makes it to the semifinals.

Bottom Left:

This highlight match in this subsection is Foreman/Creekkiller against Zaft/Hadley. These teams each have the potential to finish in the top 15 when the season is over, so it makes it tough to choose. Zaft and Hadley are arguably the best doubles team coming out of the West and showed everyone last year they have when it takes to win a bracket and make the final stage. Foreman/Creekkiller are very talented. This match will be an interesting contrast in styles. The winner of that match-up will play the winner of Speas/Beamer and Stout/Corley. Matthew Stout, people might be forgetting is one of the best players in the league, however, due to an off season suspension, is only playing pro doubles this season. I think Matt will be hungry and is now playing with his good friend and excellent doubles player, Jay Corley. Speas and Beamer have had success together last season, hell they finished in the top 15, but I am rolling with Corley and Stout to move on and faceoff against Zaft/Hadley (Yes I know how good Foreman/Creekkiller are…but early in the year…experience matters in my opinion). Eventually Zaft/Hadley advance to play EA/Smith in the Semifinals.

Top Right:

Ohh I love it when former partners play against each other! It’s like going out on a double date with you ex….constantly judging their new partner…secretly wondering if they are better than you. Well, anyways….Power/Rubin have joined forces this year and on paper make for an excellent duo. They face off against two underrated Chads in Braun and Webb. I believe Rubin/Power move on, but I see Webb/Braun doing some work in the loser’s bracket. Noah Almanza has been the talk of much of the Open series as he has had several impressive performances. His doubles partner, David Morse, is coming off an impressive run of his own at the most recent Open event where he won his bracket in Singles. These two faceoff against Dayton Webber and Mike Hoffman. Webber/Hoffman play together often and have excellent team chemistry. I think this match has the potential to be very entertaining to watch. I am going to go with Almanza/Morse here and hope my gut is right. Their winner’s bracket success ends there as they lose to Power/Rubin. Kamryn Belvin and Trey Hunt take advantage of a nice draw and meet Rubin/Power in the quarterfinals! I think most people look at this match and this Rubin/Power by a long shot…..I have a feeling it will be close…real close..like could be an upset close. Rubin and power survive and advance to the semifinals.

Bottom Right:

The Bernacet/Gustafson vs Harbaugh/King match will get all the attention, but keep your eye on the Smith Jr/Voyer vs Yaklin/Stills match. The winner of the later match will make a run to the quarterfinals. Bernacet/Gustafson had a magical Rookie season together. Their kryptonite?? Guy/Graham or Guy/Davis…the only teams to beat them at National events last year. I don’t see them in this sub section. We had the opportunity to talk to Derrick King in person recently and he feels he is finally back to his old self. If you put Pre 2021 Derrick King with 2022 Harbaugh…damnnnn. That could be scary team. I know faith is based on believing without seeing…let’s just call it a crisis of faith at the moment. I want to see King/Harbaugh click before I jump on the bandwagon (and let me be clear…I want that bandwagon!!). Bernacet/Gustafson advance to play Power/Rubin in the Semifinals!


EA/Smith vs Zaft/Hadley

Power/Rubin vs Bernacet/Gustafson

Winner’s bracket final:

Power/Rubin over EA/Smith

(Bernacet/Gustafson fall one game short of a double dip attempt in the bracket championship)


Bracket C:

Top Left:

If I am being honest…and I try to be. I look at this sub section and think “Eh”. Keith Perry had a solid Rookie season in doubles, but played with the OG Cleveland Cornhole legend, Chuckie Love. This season Perry is playing with Reuben Snyder and I just don’t see those two beating out Dillon Turpin and Ricky Gonzalez. The WTF cornhole sponsored players had an impressive year last year as they were a top 25 doubles team last season. Ive had the chance to watch them play live in Rock Hill last year and was impressed. If they want to repeat as a top 25 team, this bracket should be winnable for them.

Bottom left:

Leston Allen is crazy talented. This year he joined the Gladiator Cornhole team and is playing with Adrian Johnson. I am just going to say it….it’s time for Johnson to show up at a National Event. My timelines are flooded with Tik Tok videos of him airmailing for the win or hitting push shots against various opponents. I respect the hustle 100%, but this year he has a stud partner and it is time for him to hold down his end. The Coy cousins have a tough first match against Kenzie Beach and Curtis Kearns. Does the Courtney Coy of old come back to us? If she does, she and Miranda can certainly find success this year. I think Kenzie Beach is the X factor in that match though and carries them through to a match against Leston Allen/Adrian Johnson. Everything written before this is nice and all, but it shouldn’t matter. Storm Hogg and Jacob Trzcienski will win this Sub section. Hogg and Trzcienski have the potential to win a bracket, but I think they could be a year away. Time will tell.

Top Right:

The future is bright for young players like Moses Zazuetta. He and pro partner, Eric Tscherne will find success this season, but it just won’t be in their first match. Windsor/Herrera are a pair that every season, just when you seem to forget about them, remind you to put some respect on their name. They Eventually meet the winner of the Reynolds/Allen and Bella/Thorne match. I have had the opportunity to watch Reynolds/Allen play together many time this year and they have great chemistry. I think they win and give Windsor/Herrera all they can handle in the Quarterfinals.

Bottom Right:

I hate the Dave Sutton and Jeremy Frazier play Brevon Valdivia and Tyler Parent in the first round. I really like both teams. Valdivia/Parent have consistently improved each year in doubles and ended up inside the top 20 last season. Sutton has break out player of the year potential and his rookie partner can stroke with the best of them….I just think Valdivia and Parent find a way to get by and advance. John Fuentez is an excellent double player and this year teamed up with Rookie Johnny Cox; they play Matthew Morton and Eian Cripps in their first match. Morton/Cripps was an interesting choice for pairs in the off season. I stated in my Singles preview that I hope Morton can find his Mojo again…cornhole is more fun when he is at his best, playing his style. Cripps has shown flashes of his talent, but was just too up and down last season. I hope they prove me wrong, but I am going with Fuentez/Cox to lose to Valdivia/Parent. I really hope we get to see the Sarah Cassidy/Mike Ferreira vs Nick Williams/Andreu Labrador match in the 2nd round. Both teams are new…both have tons of potential. The difference?? Most people have heard of Cassidy and Mfer….I am letting you know now to take notice. Williams/Labrador advance to play Valdivia/Parent in a match for California bragging rights.


Turpin/Gonzalez vs Hogg/Trzcienski

Windsor/Herrera vs Valdivia/Parent

winner’s bracket final

Windsor/Herrera over Turpin/Gonzalez


Bracket D:

Top Left:

Ok, this bracket is just dumb. Just close your eyes and point and go with them for the winner.  I could make a legitimate case for 6 out of the 8 teams to win this bracket. Tyler Cobb/Jimmy Youmans are a ton of fun to watch play together and have played very consistently in the Open events this season. Jimmy Youmans looks determined to be considered a top 10 player this year. They have Hissner/Henderson in their first match. If we go by recent performances, it’s a no brainer…Youmans/Cobb all day. But it is Hissner/Henderson…at an ACL National…they just ALWAYS seem to find a way into the mix. If they want it…they will have to grind for it. I am going with Youmans/Cobb here as a statement first win for this duo..an announcement that they are the real deal. Clemmer/Jones face Samantha Finley and Rosie Streker in their first game. Finley/Streker are regarded as one of the top 2 or 3 women’s doubles teams, but that doesn’t always directly translate into pro doubles success. I have Clemmer/Jones against Youmans/Cobb in a must watch match. Derek and Josh Holland will most likely have Ty Lopez and Peter Zazueta in the 2nd round. The Hollands may be “rookies” by title, but these two are far from it. Lopez and Zazueta had an excellent doubles season last year finishing in the top 15 so this has all the making of being a great match. I’m going to gamble and pick the Holland duo to advance and play Youmans/Cobb in the Quarterfinals.

Bottom Left:

Justin Lang and Jareth Nichols will make a splash in a bracket this season I am sure of it, however they have Grinderslev/Batson in the first round. Perhaps the most underrated double team year in and year out is Michael Lucas jr and Michael Dinges. Without looking it up…where did that duo finish last season? Did you guess top 20?!?! Try Top 10. They realize they are underestimated and use it as motivation. Grinderslev and Batson are a team made up of two individuals with insane top 5 type talent. I see Grinderslev/Batson advancing, but Dinges/Lucas Jr make a run through the losers bracket. One of my favorite “new teams” is Frank Modlin and Austin Schlobolm. I think personality wise they are a good fit and both are phenomenal players. I think we see them battle it out with Eddie/KB for a chance to make it to the semifinals.

Top Right:

Will there be a team more entertaining to watch than Trevor Brooks and Jay Dotson? Their personalities are an introverts worst nightmare! Will that translate to wins? Maybe, but not this first round where they have to face off against Trey Burchfield and Alex Rawls. Burchfield is the best doubles player on the planet currently and is pretty decent and singles too (I hope you feel the sarcasm through the screen). Alex Rawls is crazy talented and they seem destined to do big things this season, but time will tell. Chad Mayberry and Brandon Corwin could surprise some folks, but unfortunately they are going up against the studly rookie duo of Corey Gilbert and Josh Thielen. I think Gilbert and Thielen handle business and set up a 2nd round match against Burchfield and Rawls. I’d love to watch this match because they all shoot high PPRs but don’t mind messy boards. Ultimately I think it’s tough to bet against Burchfield right now so they advance to play Bret Guy and Erick Davis in the Quarterfinals. Davis was last years best doubles player and seems to be throwing great as of late. Bret Guy ended last year on a great run and reminded folks he doesn’t just live in his daddy’s shadow. As good as he was last season, this season has been a slow start for Bret. Which Bret shows up? Recency bias has me leaning towards Burchfield and Rawls to advance to the semifinals.

Bottom Right:

The casual fan might not catch it, but one of the best matches to watch early in will be Richards/Lopez Jr vs Morrison/Price. This is a classic match-up between two up and coming rookies vs solid ACL pros. I think Richards and Lopez Jr are the real deal and sneak by. AJ Sims and Josh Groce are consistently a top 10-15 team. Despite their top 10 finish last season, they failed to win a bracket. Can they? Absolutely. Will we see it this year??? I think they have their hands full in round one against Steven and Taco Ochoa. Michigan cornholers will be the first to tell you how deadly the Ochoa duo can be. If you’d asked me 2 weeks ago…I would have said Groce/Sims without hesitation, but recently they left TC boards and are throwing different bags. AJ is throwing Buffalo boards…Josh hasn’t officially announced anything…but he’s familiar with BG from last year…it’s what they threw in doubles…makes sense to me. Groce/Sims grind out a win and face Lopez Jr/Richards in the quarterfinals. 


Youmans/Cobb vs Grinderslev/Batson

Burchfield/Rawls vs Lopez Jr/Richards

Winner’s bracket finals:

Burchfield /Rawls over Grinderslev/Batson 

Overall Bracket Winners:

Bracket A: Guy/Graham over Renner/Baldwin

Bracket B: Power/Rubin over Bernacet/Gustafson

Bracket C: Windsor/Herrera over Valdivia/Parent

Bracket D: Burchfield/Rawls over Youmans/Cobb

Well there you have it!! Excited to watch how this unfolds this Saturday!! Drop your predictions in the comments section below!!!

As always, I hope you throw it straight and it’s nothing but four baggers from here on out! Later



More than bags in the hole


2022 National #1 Preview: Singles