2022 National #1 Preview: Singles

Well, well, well….here we are again. We made it through the off season! The open events have helped to stave off our hunger for competitive cornhole. Now…it’s time to EAT! The first National event of the 2022 season is upon us! Last season we provided a breakdown of each National event. We did our best (and did so pretty well) to predict winners of brackets and names to watch out for! Now that the ACL cornhole season is officially here, Hard Drag Push is back and rolling! 

This off-season we saw some big changes in the bag world. Ultra Cornhole took a page out of the 2021 BG handbook and decided to sponsor, seemingly, half the league. New Cornhole companies, like Zero Gravity, popped up and created stout teams, but the question remains…will “Team” Fire Cornhole continue to reign supreme? The addition of the ACL “Teams” event will be exciting to watch! We will have separate articles all together on the team aspect, so be on the lookout.

If the Open events have taught us anything, it is that this Rookie class is LOADED with talent. In terms of depth, this Rookie class is much stronger than its predecessor…but time will tell if it contains the lasting star power. So far we have had GOATs, baby GOATS, “less talented” siblings and “no name” rookies have impressive outings. Predicting the outcomes will be harder than ever…but DAMN is it fun!! On that note, let’s dive right in!!!!

**Spark notes version available at the end of the article**


Bracket A:

Top Left:

I find it interesting that Ryan Windsor has a “bye” when looking at the bracket. In all reality, this “bye” will be filled with a PDC player who is hungry to show they belong with the “big boys/girls”.  When it comes down to it, I think Windsor handles his business and plays the winner of the Josh Groce/Nick Williams match (a sneaky good first round match). The next subsection is stacked with talent. As a cornhole fan, I would love to see Wooten vs Halbert in round 2! The winner of that match has no easy task. I think Kenzie Beach squeaks past the winner of Kevin Allen and Steven Ochoa, but ultimately falls to Tanner Halbert.  Halbert vs Windsor in the quarterfinals

Bottom Left: 

Can Daymon Dennis recapture the magic he had in 2021? The guy is just steady, down the middle, lull you to sleep as he takes 5 minutes to throw each bag….but it works. You like watching high PPR matches that last 30 plus rounds?? Then you’ll love the Dennis vs Austin Schlobolm match. It might seem sacrilegious to predict this, but Austin Schlobolm is a gamer. I think he shines through and makes a little run. Blaine Rosier finds himself up against a solid veteran player in Jeremy Schermerhorn. Typically I like to go with experience, but Schermerhorn is coming off a lackluster performance at the last open. That being said, give me Rosier who ultimately loses to Jay Rubin in Round 2. Rubin vs Schlobolm would be an excellent match to watch! I will probably regret this, but give me Schlobolm over Rubin in a tight match (either loser of that match will make a deep run through the loser’s bracket).  Next subsection you have Mr. C3 bags, Len Hiatt, who has the unfortunate first round match against Corey Morrison. Corey is a cornhole stud and has the type of game to make a run through a bracket at some point this year….it just won’t be this one. Morrison loses to Storm Hogg who has been playing very solid as of late. He lacks that crazy high ceiling you’d love, but his floor is just a step higher than Morrison in my opinion. When it comes down to it, I think Adam Hissner does what Adam Hissner does. He frustrates, annoys and chats his way through this subsection for a match against Schlobolm in the Quarterfinals!

Top Right: 

I think an interesting match out of this first group is the future darling of the ACL, Bella, vs Chris “Tornado” Tornatola. Is Bella primed and ready for her first National? This will be a solid first test for her. Do I think Tornado wins a National? No. But is he a steady, solid performing pro player? Absolutely. When the match is over, my gut tells me Bella will be left standing. The cornhole world, for the most part, was elated to have Trevor Brooks upgraded to Pro status just 2 weeks prior. I think Trevor will be eager to remind people just how good he can be. I think Trevor rattles off two wins, before he falls to future Rookie of the Year (???) Noah Almanza. Almanza just keeps winning…why doubt it now? 

Philip Lopez Jr has impressed many people outside of his area with how consistent his game is. I think he sneaks past the winner of Jacob Trzcienski (let’s be honest…no one would be excited to have to type out this kid's last name 20 times in an article) and Draven Sneed. Dillon Turpin is a pro player that I don’t think gets quite enough respect. I think he finds himself playing Lopez Jr and advances to the quarterfinals against Almanza.

Bottom Right:

This first sub bracket just screams of one future match-up: Jamie Graham vs Berklee Pair. On one hand you have Jamie Graham who is coming off a lackluster 2021 season in singles and seems eager to remind everyone he is a top 5 player in the world. On the other hand you have a rookie who has all the talent to be a Rookie of the year candidate when it is all said and done. I am a big Berklee Pair fan and I think we will see big things out of him this year, but I think experience counts…especially early in the year. Load me up on the Graham comeback tour bus.

Connie Altice is making a name for herself through these first few open events. She is a zero bullshit, down the middle, kill you with 10s and 12s all day long kind of player. Unfortunately for her…she is playing her first National match against an ACO legend…Eric “EZ” Zocklein. I have been on record stating I don’t think EZ is a top 25 singles player in the ACL….I am holding onto that until he proves me wrong. I have had the pleasure of talking to EZ and he is hell bent on proving that he is still one of the best in the game. With all that being said…give me Altice in a barn burner. She has just been too hot recently. Mike “Mfer” Ferreira gets by Veteran Philip Haydon, but will be tested by ACL young gun Peyton Mares. Mares has a solid dirty game, but Mfer is an underrated Top 15 ranked singles player. I think he cruises to a Quarterfinal match against Graham

Quarter Finals:

Halbert vs Windsor

Hissner vs Scholbolm

Turpin vs Almanza

Graham vs Ferreira

Windsor over Graham in Winner’s bracket final

Bracket B:

Top Left:

I have been super impressed with Corey Gilbert and his ability to play a dirty style game, yet maintain a high PPR. Although he has to play a PDC qualifier in the first round, I think he reminds people why he went 7-0 in the qualifier last year. He eventually plays 2nd year pro, Jacob Beamer. Beamer is crazy talented and often relies on that talent as he seems to lack game IQ at times. If Beemer puts it all together, as we said last year, he can make a deep run, but I think Gilbert is one of the Rookies to make a splash at the first National. 

Isidro Herrera vs Tyce Cobb on paper sounds great, but I want to see Tyce prove it before picking that “upset”. The other match I’d love to watch is Gage Landis vs Peter Zazueta Jr. Both guys are young(ish) and have tons of talent. I think Zazueta, having been there before and playing big matches, gives him the edge this time…but take note of Landis. When all is said and done, Isidro is just too damn consistent and finds himself in the quarterfinals against Corey Gilbert.

Bottom Left: 

There has been talk of which bracket is most loaded and when it comes down to it, this sub section proves just how tough each bracket can be. You start off with Justin Reul, a talented Rookie coming out of Florida who has Doug Zaft in the first round. Doug Zaft is one of those guys who just seems to find a way to grind out wins. I give experience the nod in this matchup and have Zaft meeting up against Sarah Cassidy, who has been throwing well as of late. Sign me up for the Eric Anderson vs Jacob Foreman match. Foreman and his doubles partner, Matthew Creekkiller, have TONS of hype entering this season.  EA has been a pro since the ACL has formed. He has been a solid singles player each year and last year finished as a top 15 player. This is a huge test for Foreman right out of the gate. I can’t tell you who will be better in 5 years, but again, early in the season, I think experience counts. Give me EA vs Zaft. 

Kaylee Hunter vs Dayton Webber should be a great match. Both players have the type of game to come back when behind in a match or enough talent to blow through competition. I worry about fatigue when it comes to Webber in singles, but this is a first round match. Kaylee struggled at times last year in singles but seems poised to breakout this season. I’m flipping a coin, give me Webber in the “upset”. Kyle Malone and Kaleb Batson in the first round?? Almost seems unfair. The crazy part? One of those two could go 0-2 to start the National. If that happens, I wouldn’t want the higher seed who has to face them next National. Malone typically does well in singles at the early Nationals. As much as I think Batson has a great all-around game, I am going with Malone here. Trey Hunt…I have seen some just filthy shots hit by this guy. Trey Hunt against Malone (or Batson) would be a must watch situation. Hunt has been hot recently. I haven’t really picked a rookie yet to make a run, so I am going with Hunt to beat out Webber and eventually meet EA in the Quarterfinals.

Top Right:

Another first round match-up that just doesn’t seem fair….Erick Davis vs Steven Bernacet. My Lord is this, stylistically, a cornhole fan’s dream match. Dirty vs Clean. I hope I get to watch this match. Board conditions are going to play a factor. If the boards are tacky, Davis will have a slight edge…Slick boards play right into Bernacet’s style. I am going with Davis here and the main reason?? Bags. Davis is still throwing Fire bags and has a full pro season with fire bags under his belt; Bernacet is now throwing Titan bags and perhaps it takes a National to really get a feel for them. Their reward for winning? A date with Jordan Power. Going into last season, if you have listened to the Big Asp Cornhole Podcast before (shameless plug), you would be well aware that we were shouting Power’s name going into last season. Thankfully, he made us look smart. I think Power is ready to make a run at the top 15. I’ll go with Power over Davis. 

Miranda “Roll Queen” Coy has an interesting first match against Tom Walter. Tom is a slick bag player who hunts for a high PPR…he enjoys a clean board and long walks in nature. Miranda?? She wants that board dirty. If she finds her groove early and keeps the first bag, I think she walks away with the win.  Timmy Jonas had an up and down Rookie year as he was working on perfecting his throw. He seems to have figured it out. Coy vs Jonas in a match to earn the rights to face off against Power.  Power edges out Jonas to move onto the quarterfinals.

This is yet another very solid sub bracket. Highlighted by Rookies Matthew Creekkiller and Jeremy Frazier and veteran studs Greg Geary and Bill Hadley. Frazier has a tough first matchup against Kevin Nellis. This match should be close. The winner will move on and play Matthew Creekkiller. This dude is a stud and showed off just how good he could be at the last open. It wasn’t until he ran into the GOAT that he looked human. Greg Geary just didn’t play all that well in singles last year. I have watched him play a few times this year and he seems to be throwing better, but give me Baggin Bill to advance to an interesting match with Creekkiller. Give me Power vs Creekkiller in the quarterfinals.

Bottom Right: 

Can I just write Devon Harbaugh and move on? No offense to any other pros in that bracket, but Harbaugh has been flexing recently. He made the jump into the top 10 last year. Can he leap into the top 5?? He has the talent. 

Crowd favorite, Mike Harvey, should be set up for a match vs the Baby GOAT, Alex Hicks. This kid is special. He just doesn’t seem to lose much in Singles. I’d like to see a Dave Sutton vs Josh Thielen (the athletic Thielen in the family) match. Sutton was among my consideration for breakout players of the year last year. Thielen comes into the league having faced top level competition on the West Coast regularly. Sutton is a gamer and as I have said, experience matters..give me Sutton vs Baby GOAT. In the quarterfinals I predict we see Harbaugh vs Alex Hicks.


Isidro Herrera vs Corey Gilbert

Eric Anderson vs Trey Hunt

Jordan Power vs Matthew Creekkiller

Devon Harbaugh vs Alex Hicks

Devon Harbaugh over Jordan Power for the Winner’s bracket final

Bracket C: 

Top Left:

I look at this first subsection and think it is Ryan Smith’s to lose. Andrew Guy and Kevin Smith Jr will be an underrated first match and both have potential to make a run…..BUT, Ryan Smith has the POTENTIAL to be a top 5 player. Has he been…no not really. But if he can capture and bottle up some Ryan Smith from 2019-2020 then he will make noise this season.

The next subsection could go a few ways. If Tyler Parent shows up ready to roll in game 1 and can get past a streaky Debra Odum, I feel he has the most talent out of the bunch. His 2nd round match against, I am predicting, Mason Morgado, will be tough, but I think Tyler is experienced enough to come through. I think Tyler meets up with Allison Peters, who is fresh off a solid performance at the last Open event.  I will give the nod to Parent here, but wouldn’t be shocked to see Peters make the quarterfinals.

Bottom Left:

If you are a cornhole loser like me, then you will appreciate this subsection. Michael Lucas Jr is one of the most underrated pro players in the game. He faces off against Eric Ryder, who has a knack for doing well at National events. I think Lucas Jr Wins this one, but his 2nd round match will be another tough test. He would face the winner of Johnny Cox and Anthony Reul. Both ACL rookies Cox and Reul expect to do well and win when they hit the boards. This is a coin flip match for me…I go with Cox…he’s got the great mustache…it has to count for something. Then sitting at the bottom of this little section you have Brandon Jones vs Derek Holland. Derek has been off to a pretty solid start through the open events. I have seen Brandon go on a run and look unbeatable. I am going with Derek Holland to pull out the win and meet Lucas Jr for a chance to go to the quarterfinals.

Eddie Grinderslev should handle this subsection when it’s all over, but there are a few names to be wary of. The match between Chuckie Love and Raul Chavez is an interesting one. Chuckie has been throwing very well recently and seems to have found his old Swag. Raul has shown us his abilities in open events last season, but this year has seemed to be off to a slower than anticipated start.  Give me the Cleveland Cornhole Legend Chuckie Love to advance and face-off against Eddie. I like Derek Holland vs Eddie Grinderslev in this Quarter Final.

Top Right:

If I am being completely honest, this should be Tony Smith’s section to lose. He has impressed me so far this year as he seems more polished. Last year he came in with all the hype in the world. Did he live up to all the hype? No not really, but by no means did he have a bad year. Going into his second season, I fully expect big things from “Big Tone”. Perhaps the best first round match in this section to watch is between Moses Zazueta and Nico Mireles. These two are both crazy talented, but I feel need this year to round out their games before making the big splash.

Frank Modlin has been a bit up and down in singles so far, but it’s Modlin at a National event, so anything can happen. A sneaky good match will be between Tae Harris and Ricky “Gee”. Tae was instantly thrust into potential breakout player last year after beating Matt Guy…but that seemed to be the only big highlight.  Ricky had an excellent doubles season as he and Dillon Turpin put together a top 15 season. I like the experience of Modlin to prevail in the first two match-ups, but will he have enough to make it to the quarter finals?  Justin Lang (can we please give this man some respect already??) faces Jimmy Mcguffin in, what should be, an instant classic. Neither of these guys throws the “pretty bag,” but both are excellent at putting bags in the hole. I'm going with the “upset” here, give me Lang to win his match and earn the right to play Bret Guy. Now which Bret Guy will show up? Can we get the Bret Guy who looked like the best player in the world last year?? Or will we get a shell of that player? It could be argued that no player in the field has a as big of a discrepancy between floor and ceiling….in my humble opinion. I am going to give Bret the benefit of the doubt here…Bret beats Lang but loses to Modlin (gut feeling) and plays Tony Smith in the Quarter finals. 

Bottom Right: 

This first subsection I really like Duncan Clemmer to face off against Nate Stevens in a chance to move into the Quarterfinals. I just feel both players should handle business and take advantage of a “favorable” draw. 

Two or three months ago, people would have looked at this bracket differently. The emergence of Mark Richards being a nightmare on the board makes this section “easier” to predict. Dalton McKlem might have something to say about that, but Richards is coming off an impressive Open where he made Matt Guy look somewhat human. I heard all about this guy named Haseeb Habiban last year and at National number 1 he made some noise with then partner, Mike Ferreira. I think he loses his first round match to lesser known pro, Chad Mayberry. Chad is a very solid player and wouldn’t surprise me to see him win the first two matches and play Mark Richards.

Mark Richards vs Duncan Clemmer in the Quarter finals


Ryan Smith vs Tyler Parent

Eddie Grinderslev vs Derek Holland

Tony Smith vs Frank Modlin

Duncan Clemmer vs Mark Richards

Tony Smith over Eddie Grinderslev for the winners bracket final

Bracket D:

Top Left:

Let me just throw this out there…I just don’t see anyone in this subsection that would win it all. With that being said, someone has to advance to the quarterfinals. David Morse flashed us his potential at the last open by winning his bracket. It’s be easy to pick him. I think he gets past Sorrells, but Loses to Mr. Ghost Cornhole Bobby Fink. Bobby is a pro and takes care of business…those around him have been waiting for him to burst onto the scene…well here it is! But don’t count out the Queen of Cornhole Tik Tok, ACL rookie Whitney Martinez. She is more than just a face in creative videos…she can play too.

Can we please get back the real Matthew Morton? The airmailing wonder kid who we couldn’t tell if he cared about anything?!? Seriously, I am a big fa of the kid’s game and was a, at times, harsh critic of his last season. I felt he went away from what worked so well for him previously. I think it’s time for him to show out. His first match is no easy task as James Cumberland wants to bring Big Daddy Cornhole to the forefront of everyone’s mind. But I think Morton is talented enough to win this sub section. I think he beats Bob Vonch and earns a place in the quarterfinals against Fink.

Bottom Left: 

Ok so now this is where the shit show starts. One of these four players will start their 2022 singles season 0-2: Megan Maupin, Derrick King, James Baldwin or Alan Rawls. Somehow we are supposed to pick the winner out of these four…..I’m going with (blindly pointing at pictures) James Baldwin. Baldwin having Alan Rawls in the first round is not exactly a dream scenario for the former world Champion…but I just he earns the nickname “Big Game James” for a reason. Baldwin meets Brevon Valdivia to decide who advances to the quarterfinals. 

Tell me where you have heard this before: One of these four players will start their 2022 singles season 0-2: Cheyenne Renner, Alex Rawls, Matt Guy or Jeff Reynolds. Rawls is super talented and will do very well throughout this season, but at this National I think he will find more success in Doubles as I just don’t see Cheyenne losing this one. A clash of former “Kings of Cornhole” Matt Guy faces Jeff Reynolds. Jeff has been playing outstanding recently…but then there is Matt Guy. Would I be absolutely shocked if Reynolds won this match?? Not absolutely shocked, but surprised. I think Matt Guy and Renner face off in a match that most would expect to be for an overall Title.  At this time, it’s just dumb to bet against Matt, so I think Matt advances and plates Nate Voyer. The kitty slinging Voyer has had an excellent start to the season. Unfortunately for him, he was in the toughest subsection of this National event. Matt Guy vs James Baldwin in the Quarterfinals.

Top Right: 

This first subsection is “ok”. The matchup between Speas and Fuentez is interesting, but it’s singles not doubles so give me Speas. When it all ends I like Leston Allen to be standing tall, advancing to the Quarterfinals.

Jimmy Youmans has found it. He elevated his game last year and, in my opinion, deserved Break out player of the year. Anyways, Jimmy is going to be a tough out for anyone this year and has most people, me included, believing he has the skills to win a bracket. Welcome back Trey Burchfield. This is 2022 and as a present we bring you the 4th ranked singles player from 2021 in your first match. A guy you have probably played 10,000 times…perhaps the one guy that isn’t intimidated by you at all….Cody Henderson. I am going with Burchfield here because all the kid does is play cornhole and the last time Cody was at an Open he just wasn’t sharp. Cody will be just fine as the season progresses, but do not be shocked if Henderson sends Trey to the loser’s bracket. As a side note…if you get a chance, watch Victor Glass vs Joe Kniesteadt…you can thank me later.

Bottom Right: 

Justin Stranger has quietly been doing very well in his area so far this season. He switched bag companies to Ultra and it seems to be a nice fit. Justin has had flashes before, what I want to see is consistent strong finishes from him in singles. I think he is set up well to win at least his first two games. Josh Holland or “Da bes eva” can look like he is never going to miss, then play pedestrian at times. I think we see Holland on a broadcast again (he was on way back when we played Henderson in Advanced finals). I think he does what he needs to do and edges out Stranger for the Quarter final spot. 

We have all been waiting for Sam Finely to pull a Cheyenne Renner and make that deep run. I think she can do it, but needs to get past Michael Dinges (another crazy underrated player) to do so. Give me Dinges vs Holland in the Quarter finals

Quarter Finals:

Bobby Fink Vs Mathew Morton

Matt Guy Vs James Baldwin

Leston Allen vs Trey Burchfield

Michael Dinges vs Josh Holland

Matt Guy over Trey Burchfield for Winner’s bracket final

Bracket Winners:

A: Windsor over Graham

B: Power Double Dips Harbaugh

C: Tony Smith over Mark Richards

D: Matt Guy over Josh Holland

So there we have it. Obviously with this much talent it’s nearly impossible to predict and the addition of the PDC will make it fun to watch! A brief Doubles breakdown will follow and be posted on Thursday!! Drop your comments below!! Who do you have winning the whole thing?!?!

As always I hope you throw it straight and it’s nothing but 4 baggers from here on out. Later!


**Oh and if you were looking for the cliff notes version…do yourself a favor and just read the article.


2022 National Preview: Doubles


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