Final Chase Preview: Doubles

I love watching doubles. The team aspect brings a dynamic feel to the game. This season has been, in all reality, dominated by the top 4-5 teams, however each National seems to have at least 1 surprise…..let’s go!!

Bracket A:

Top Left:

-Guy/Graham remain the team to beat. Emge/Brewer vs Fink/Herrera should be AB entertaining match, but I think it’s time for Finley and Peters to show up. Guy/Graham take care of business beating Finley/Peters and advance to the Semi finals

Bottom Left:

-I’ve said it a few times, I’m a big fan of Parent/Valdivia. I think they eventually face off against a team that I said to watch out for before the season began..Power/Webb. I’m going with Power/Webb only because they have had the more recent success. They face off against Guy/Graham

Top Right:

-Chuckie Love and Keith Perry are a sneaky good pair. They have had solid showings at each National event. They run into Harbaugh/Corwin, but the latter is coming off a bye…could be rusty. I’m calling the upset…Love/Perry advance to face Windsor/Herrera in the Quarterfinals.  Ultimately, Windsor/Herrera advance to the Semifinals

Bottom Right:

-Looking at this bracket….I’d be shocked if Dinges/Lucas Jr aren’t in the Semifinals after beating Morton/Powers. Morton/Powers will have some work to do though in their first game as they face off against the winner of Grube/Bostick and Morris/Davis (a match I’d love to watch)


-Guy/Graham vs Power/Webb

-Windsor/Herrera vs Dinges/Lucas Jr

Bracket B

Top Left:

-Camba/Baldwin are the number 1 seed abd for good reason. These two are consistently in the mix and have shown they have the chemistry/skills to win it all. Who they play in the quarterfinals is interesting. Braun/Kissel have quietly had a very solid season as first year partners. They have terrible luck in drawing Malone/McKlem as the 25th seed (insert eye roll emoji). I’ll be pulling for my hometown dudes, but I think, in the end, it’ll be Malone/McKlem vs Camba/Baldwin in the Quarters

Bottom Left:

-Bust out your favorite white New balance and iron your Jean shorts! Vonch/Seals strut into town. Not flashy but consistent. They are always a tough out. I’ll be interested to see if Poythress plays like Poythress from National 1. He and Modlin, if they get pasted the often overlooked father-son duo of David and James  Reschke, should have an excellent match vs Vonch/Seals. I’m going with a team that has been rock solid this year. Allen/Walter battle and earn a semifinal match vs Camba Baldwin or Malone/McKlem

Top Right

-I think this section comes down to a match between Sutton/Morse and Kitchen/Hudson. Both these teams have the ability and experience at National events to beat a team like Grinderslev/Batson. Now, I don’t see that happening, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Kitchen/Hudson are in the semifinals

Bottom Right:

-I really think this section comes down to a matchup between Geary/McGuffin and Shultz/Morrison. Geary/McGuffin have been hot, just haven’t been able to win it recently. Last years Team of the year is just too solid and makes the Semifinals


Malone/McKlem vs Allen Walter 

Grinderslev/Batson vs Geary McGuffin

**Camba/Baldwin make the finals vs Geary/McGuffin

Bracket C

Top Left:

-Sign me up for a 2nd round matchup between Hunter/Cassidy and  Rockwell/Stout. The PPR in that match could be ridiculous. I see Rockwell and Stout sneaking by and meeting the always consistent Hissner/Henderson

Bottom Left

-this section is just full of entertainment. Potential big time 2nd round matches across the board. Dennis/Haydon will face either Smith/Burich or Ryan Smith/Stowe. Smith/Stowe have the ability to win the event, and I think they pull the upset and beat DD/Haydon. Wooten/Sorrells…I just don’t know how to predict them. They could win it all…they could be 0-2. Their second round match against Anderson/Jonas is no easy task. EA has been hot and he and Jonas have chemistry. Call

me a homer, but I think this is the tourney pieces could fall into place, but until I see it, Wooten/Sorrells find a way to play Hissner/Henderson in the semi finals 

Top Right:

-This bracket should come down to Groce/Sims vs Stranger/Smith. I think if the young dudes has better chemistry they could be lethal. But Groce/Sims just play well together and have won on the big stage before. The Texas boys outlast the teens

Bottom Right:

-Corley/Fuentez have been surprisingly good this year. But let’s see how good they are. Can they get passed a team like Beamer/Speas who has shown they belong among the conversation for contenders. Lane/Cuccia were playing well last time, but I think we see Stevens/Langsworthy make a little noise. When the battles are done, I think we have Beamer/Speas ready to battle Groce/Sims in the semifinals


Hissner/Henderson vs Wooten/Sorrells

Groce/Sims vs Beamer/Speas 

Bracket D

Top Left:

-Bernacet/Gustafson are clearly the team to beat. But one team has me intrigued. Rubin and Lang have joined forces and that is a nasty duo. I’m not saying they will beat Bernacet/Gustafson (Guy/Graham have their number) but it should make for one hell of a match

Bottom left:

-Turpin/Gonzalez have been hot recently, but I think this section belongs to the winner of Short/Dotson and Harvey/Washington. Both those teams are seeded below their potential and I think Harvey/Washington could win it all

Top Right:

-should Davis/Guy meet up against Pitcher/Allen…the tournament should stop so people could watch. I know it’s boring, but Guy/Davis are really good and I’m tired of losing bottles of bourbon betting against them

Bottom Right:

-Clemmer/Jones are a good team that’s probably a year away from making the big splash but I’m confident after watching them play it’s sooner rather than later. They most likely play Burchfield/King in the second round. Now, again, it’s so tough to predict this situation. DK could show up, flex on everyone and I’m sitting here looking like an idiot. But I want to see it first. Clemmer/Jones lose a battle to this sections winner….Youmans/Hogg. Jimmy and Storm have been knocking on the door, getting better each National. They play Davis/Guy in the semifinals 


-Bernacet/Gustafson vs Harvey/Washington

-Davis/Guy vs Youmans/Hogg

Bracket Winners:





I know, I know…it’s boring. I’d love nothing more than to see three to four new teams in the mix…but through three nationals already…it just hasn’t been the case.

As always, I hope you throw it straight and it’s nothing but four baggers from here on out!





Final Chase Preview: Singles