Your CornHole Health

Let me start by saying that I love this silly bean bag game we play so much, but it is a small part of who we all are. Some of us spend anywhere for 3-30 hours a week in this game between practice, league nights,and weekend tournaments. The rest of our time is spent being who we are in everyday life.

We all work on our CornHole mental game to ensure we are ready for any opponent that we meet on the boards but has each of us taken the time to work on our LIFE mental game?

I have given this topic a lot of thought over this COVID time and here are some of the things that I do to work on my mental health everyday:

  1. I keep in touch with my circle. These are the family and friends that keep me going.

  2. I try to avoid negative people and thoughts. Whether this is in my personal life, work, or on social media I skip right past things that take away my energy.

  3. I get on my Harley and hit the open road. For you this could be boating, fishing, or going for a hike.

  4. I talk about my feelings. I know what you are saying an Irish catholic kid from Boston taking about feelings. But I talk with a mental health professional that listens and doesn’t judge.

  5. I now go to the boards with confidence in me and my throw. Put anyone beside me and I will give it 110%.

If you take anything away from my ramblings here please take care of you before you can take care of others. You need to recharge your soul with the people and things that mean the most to you. So go out into the world with your bags held high and be the best human you can be.


Let me know in the comments what you do….

Donny “THE VOICE” McPhee


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