HDP Bag addict quiz!!

Recently a friend sent me a link to a questionnaire.  The nature of this questionnaire was to answer questions about your alcohol use and then add your answers together to find out how bad your booze problem is.  Let’s just say they’d have me checking into Betty Ford by the weekend if I turned in my sheet and I swiftly exited Firefox and went about my day.

It gave me an idea to do something similar here, so this is the HDP Bag Addiction Quiz!!! 

Answer 0 for anything that does not apply to you and answer 1 if it does apply to you.  At the end I’ll reveal your level of bag addiction.

1- You own over 10 sets of cornhole bags and you are not a pro player.

2- You have bought bags on Facebook through one of the trading/reselling groups.

3- You have bought bags off someone at a cornhole event because you’re an idiot and can’t help yourself.

4- When you like a certain bag you buy 3 or more sets of them because you are afraid of a covid-like toilet paper scenario where there are none left.

5- Your significant other has zero knowledge of how many bags you have bought in the past 3 months and if they did they would hate you. 

6- You own a bottle of sac relax because with so many new bags showing up at your house you have no time to break them in!
7- You know what the fuck Abby Woods is.

8- You fell for the Gamechanger steady and deep down feel bad about yourself.

9- You’ve posted on a forum asking when the hell your Lucky Bags or Killshots will finally arrive!! (Even though you totally knew they would take forever)
10- Your pillow is filled with resin instead of memory foam.

11- You enjoy buying cornhole bags more than throwing them.(Be Honest!!)
12-You’ve stayed up till 4AM trying to hit a NEW RELEASE!!!
13- You wish your one super power was knowing when Jared Nash was posting on Facebook.

14- You hate Gamechangers but you own 14 sets(Whats up McCracken!!)
15- You are currently waiting for Cornhole Scenario bags and wondering if they will arrive before the next presidential election.

OK!  Thanks for taking the exam.  Here are your results-

If you scored between:

1-5-  You are an average cornhole player who has pretty decent control over his/her tendencies. 

5-6  You aren’t a huge buyer likely but you troll the bag trading pages and have bought a few hard to get bags.

7-9-  You are more interested in bags than the average person and like to buy specific bags that you believe will make you better somehow.  You are likely spending more money than you’d admit on bags and you are developing a dependency problem.  You should be concerned and be self-aware of your burgeoning addiction. 
10-13- Houston we have a problem!  You are a full blown degenerate who spends all night cruising the forums and popping off on bags like 50 cent pops champagne.  You are often concerned that your significant other will find out about all of your bags because they will likely dump you for being an idiot who spent all their money on 1lbs sacks of plastic beads.  You’ve got a real problem and you are probably fucked.

14-15-Well congratulations……you are at the top of the pile of bag losers.You dream about bags all day at work and you spend money on them constantly.You never saw the Beanie Baby bust documentary and you choose not to focus on the fact that you invested most of your net worth into square bags rather than a 401k. Your significant other definitely knows that you have a problem and if they haven’t left you yet than I am shocked.Don’t bother checking into a rehab because you are such a complete degenerate that there is no helping you.

Thank you for taking the HDP Bag Addicts Quiz!!!!


Let’s Get Sticky!!


Visualization and Imagery