Decision time for Bag Manufactures as ACL rolls out new Tiered Policy

The 2021-2022 American Cornhole League season is well underway. While the pro players are settling in and making adjustments as they look to finish out the season strong, behind the scenes bag manufacturers are making big, potential life altering, decisions. The application process to become an approved bag manufacturer for the ACL has been released (June 3rd) and is due by June 10th, 2022. It wasn’t long ago that the ACL changed their bag policy, requiring an approval process for all bags in order for them to be deemed “worthy” of gracing ACL events. The bag market has exploded and seemingly every day a new manufacturer pops up.  Let’s take a look at the proposed changes and dive into the “differences” between stamps.

When the ACL added the, for lack of better terms, stamp requirement, there were a wide variety of opinions and emotions on display. For the most part, players, professional and amateur alike, have settled in with this new process and have accepted the terms. Those familiar with the ACL should also be familiar with the terms, “Pro”, “Comp” and “Rec”. While these terms nor the process of a bag  “earning” a particular title are not changing, the very structure of the bag policy is undergoing a, seemingly, massive shift.

In years previous Bag Manufacturers had the ability, if financially capable, to “Pro” stamp any number of bags, they wanted, as long as that said series met all requirements. It would be naïve of all of us to say we weren’t expecting changes. The “stamped bag policy” was destined for change and this could be the year we begin to see a clear separation from the Davids and Goliaths of the bag manufacturing world…or a chance for the new guys to get themselves into the game before it is too late….

The American Cornhole League is rolling out a new three tier system. Each tier separated by a manufactures ability to produce “X” amount of bags in a timely fashion, financial obligations and number of series that manufacturer can offer with a “pro stamp”.  Let’s take a look:

Tier 1:

·         Min Capacity of 500 sets of 4 per week

·         Ability to Generate substantial licensing revenue

·         Maximum active series model-15 (All can be eligible for ACL Pro)

·         New Application fee: $20,000

Tier 2:

·         Min Capacity of 200 sets of 4 per week

·         >5K a year in licensing revenue

·         Maximum active series model-10 with 5 being eligible for ACL Pro

·         New Application fee: $10,000

Tier 3:

·         Min Capacity of 25 sets of 4 per week

·         No minimum Revenue requirement

·         Avg turnaround time is 3 weeks (Tier 1 and Tier 2 is 2 weeks)

·         Maximum active series Model-10 eligible for Comp or Rec

  • New Application fee: $2500

It is my understanding, and important to note, that those who have had bags stamped this past season, will not be required to pay the “New Application fee”. The ACL, in their own way, seems to be rewarding those who were early to the party. If you find documentation like this as fascinating as I do, then you will notice the wording states “Min Capacity”. Does this mean that every week a manufacture must pump out 500, 200, 25 sets of bags??? Well, no. In theory the manufactures just has to be capable of producing the required amount.  Taking a look at the tiers, I know what we are all thinking…but how will pros be able to throw Kitty bags?!?! I kid, I kid….anyways…

Without emptying their wallets, the newest tiered format will make it difficult for the new people …the little guys in their basement who have a dream of seeing their bags being used on t.v. by professional players. With this structure an emphasis can be placed on “ACL Comp” stamped bags. Don’t you dare roll your eyes…”ACL Comp” bags are just as good as the pro stamped versions. What’s the difference you ask? Let’s take a look below:

Pro Stamped:

·         New Series submission fee: $2000

·         Annual Bag list fee: $200

·         Current Royalty Fee: 15% of net sales

·         Minimum MSRP: $60 per 4 bags

·         Recommendation letters and tactile testing from at least 3 current ACL pro players per new series

·         Successful completion of the ACL friction and flexibility testing process

·         Fabric and fill must be maintained throughout the duration of its’ listing

·         ACL pros must have access to purchase any Pro stamped bag and bags must be offered in at least two different solid color ways

Comp Stamped:

·         New Series submission fee: $500

·         Annual Bag list fee: $100

·         Current Royalty fee: 10% of net sales

·         Minimum MSRP: $40 per 4 bags

·         Tactile testing by ACL staff

·         FABRIC must remain the same, but fill may vary slightly (must maintain its core characteristics)

A whole lot of details listed above there. Nowhere in the fine print does it state that “ACL Comp” bags will have an inferior play-ability when compared to “ACL Pro” bags. Going forward, I think this is a key concept most of us need to understand. If a particular series of bags that you enjoy throwing happens to be “Pro” stamped, then awesome! But if you come across a newer series next season….bag looks great…has the speed ratings you are looking for…but is “only comp stamped”….do yourself a favor and give it a chance. If we as players and fans of the game want to continue to see a variety of products, it is imperative that we drop the idea that just because a bag has a three letter word printed on one side means it is superior. If you aren’t a pro player, both “Pro” and “Comp” stamped bags are approved for any level of play you will reach. The one other interesting caveat I noticed as I dove into this info…I believe this is the first time the ACL is placing a “minimum price” on a series of bags based on the stamp. OK OK OK…I get it….how many bags are being sold for less than $60 right now?? Not many and I get that. I just found it interesting that this little nugget was there and will be keeping an interested eye on it as the years go forward to see if this will increase….

I am excited to watch this unfold (I have a cornhole podcast and two kids…I don’t have much of a life right now, so don’t judge). How many new manufactures will we see jump into the mix? How many of the new guys will embrace the idea of going the “ACL Comp” route in hopes of building a loyal following before shelling out the “big bucks” to go pro?? What will this do for player sponsorship? Will new, smaller bag manufactures be able to afford to sponsor players?

There are so many questions that could be asked! I for one am grateful I don’t have to make this decision… seven days….

Drop your comments below!!

 As always, we hope you throw it straight and it is nothing but 4 baggers from here on out! Cheers!



Win Big by thinking small


Beyond the Bags with Mike Norris of Sure Shot and Norris Splats