2021 ACL Bag Brawl Preview: Singles

There is just something magical about filling out a bracket. It is our way of predicting the future and we all have ZERO control over any of it. Is there a better feeling than correctly predicting a “Cinderella Story Run”?!?!? What about predicting the winners in both Singles and Doubles?!?

Prior to this year, I would have thought this would be easier, but if the first two Nationals taught us anything, it’s that anyone can make a deep run and spoil brackets. Besides family and close friends, did anyone really see Zaft/Hadley running shit all the way to the final 4?!?!? They were ranked as the 81st doubles team going into National number 2…..but Hadley decided to find his tune, tap his toe and have himself a damn day!! This field of players is just stacked with talent from top to bottom. I mean Matt Guy, THE GOAT, tied for 33rd in singles…Thirty-fucking-third place!! If a poll was taken prior to this season starting, and asked you to pick Over/Under 1 National Singles titles won by Matt Guy…. you’d be banging the “Over” all day, everyday…..but now….would we still?


So these bracket previews are obviously just educated guesses. I try to take what I see, what I have heard and look at the match-ups and envision who I see winning each head to head. It’s never personal and I try to leave my own biases aside. That being said, if I create bulletin board material for you….you’re welcome! Below you will find each bracket (A, B, C, D) and which sub section of that bracket (Top Right, Bottom Left, etc.) I am discussing. I pick who I think will win each bracket, but don’t dive into the loser’s bracket action…we don’t want this thing to turn into 500 pages. That being said…. Let’s Go!

Bracket: A

Top Left:

The match-up between Kaylee Hunter and Barry Burich should be a good one. I had mentioned Barry in my last preview as, outside of Florida, most people probably aren’t familiar with his game. He is pretty damn steady and you have to be on your game to beat him. That being said, I think Kaylee Hunter is a rising star in the women’s division. She sneaks past Barry, but then runs into ole Double D. Daymon Dennis might be in the dictionary under “consistent”. They dude just walways seems to find his way near the top, and currently, is sitting at number 1 in Singles. He just plays smart and forces you to beat him. He takes his time and lulls you into sleep. I think Kaylee makes some noise in the losers bracket as Daymon rolls. If Brandon Jones and Ashton Speas take care of business in round 1, we have a great match-up here. Speas game reminds me of McKlem. Likes to play a slower bag, muddy up the board and has the power to go through or an arsenal of finesse shots to go over/around messes. Brandon Jones has quietly had himself a solid start to the season, but I am going with the hotter hand here…Speas earns the opportunity to face Daymon Dennis for a chance to make it to the quarterfinals.

I look at this next sub section and I can’t help but think, “How in the Hell is Brandon Corwin ranked 41st?” Well, to put it nicely, his draws have sucked. And now….it’s not getting any easier. Not only does he have to fly 4 hours to play fellow Ohio Native, Kerry Mittermiller, but IF he can get past Kerry, his next match is no easier. Doug Zaft impressed me at the last National and not just because of where they finished in doubles. He throws Vipers in a way that showcase all that those bags can do (Mark Pryor is shedding a tear of joy). If he stays around the hole and plays a smart game, he is going to be tough to beat. Doug’s first match is against Len Hiatt and as much as I love me some of the C3 bags..I just have to go with Zaft in that match-up. Corwin is bound to put shit together…he is too talented..I go with the ranking upset here, Corwin over Zaft. Guess who I am thinking of: A player under the age of 20 who has all the potential in the world, plays aggressive, airmails at an insane rate….Matthew Morton. I look at the sub section and my first thought…”no more excuses.” Can’t blame anything on tough draws or board conditions, etc…he has a solid draw (as good as you’re going to get as an 8 seed), will be fresh compared to most of the players (he’s under 21 and it’s in Vegas) and he is talented. I expect to see him rise to the occasion. His potential 2nd round match-up against Chris Cuccia (great tik tok follow by the way) could be tough, but This sub section is Morton’s to lose. Morton over Corwin..where we have a battle of All Cornhole in the Quarters: Morton vs Dennis

Bottom Left:

Allan Rockwell has been LIGHTS out in singles (8th ranked PPR at 9.84 with a respectable .41 DPR)…now if only he could figure it out in Doubles, he and Mr. Stout could have themselves a day…but that’s for another part of this article. Sam Finley is one of the best female players in the world. We have all seen it. She has all the shots. For some reason, only known to her, she has yet to make a big splash in Singles. I got burned last time predicting her “Big Run”…and maybe I jinxed her. So for that very reason…..I am picking Rockwell to advance. I want Finley to make a run..I do…but PROVE IT. Timmy Jonas has had an up and down year so far…accept in Singles at the National Events, where he has shown his potential! I like his draw, but his potential 2nd round match between winner of Tyler Lugo/Derek Fateiger should be entertaining to watch. I think Jonas does enough and loses a heart breaker to Rockwell.

Hunter Thorne is obviously crazy talented and has been solid through the first two National events…but he still needs that signature win. I’m predicting he will face off again DJ Powell in the 2nd round. Powell is better than his 44th rank and I think he would give Thorne a match. Tyler Poythress is a stud….most of the time. He showed the world how good he could be at National number 1, but followed it up with a bit of a dud (despite having a number 1 seed) in National number 2. His potential 2nd round match against Nate Stevens is one, as a huge cornhole loser, I’d really like to watch. Stevens is good, sneaky good.  Poythress has the ability to lock in and not miss. I go with Stevens in close match over Poythress (I could regret this pick…but I got a feeling). Dj Powell is that lower seed to screw things up for people, as he sneaks past the young Gun Thorne….but Stevens gets hot and brings a bit more Kentucky to the Quarterfinals

Top Right:

What I really want to write is Jordan Camba…and end it there. But where is the fun in that? Plus the kid didn’t even know who Meatloaf was...and doesn’t like meatballs?!?! Who doesn’t like meatballs?!?! Anyways, if Camba shows up and plays to his potential, I just don’t see anyone in his sub bracket beating him. I mean he is 4th in singles PPR with a “pathetic” 9.92..oh and his opponents?? No big deal, only averaging a 9.56 PPR. That means he is getting everyone’s best game…but is still coming out on top. He’s primed for a big finish this year. Robert Sperry and Eric Stowe have had themselves a solid start and I could see them battling it out in a close match, but I just don’t think either has the firepower to overcome Camba.


Jeremy Schermerhorn is a fire plug. He’s emotional and wears his heart on his sleeve (or on Facebook posts), but the guy is a gamer. If he is feeling it early and is confident in his throw, a deep run shouldn’t surprise anyone. Chuckie Love is an OG cornhole killer and one of the coolest people you could meet. I’d love to watch a match-up between he and Schermerhorn in the second round; I think both have the ability, on their best day, to give Camba a run for his money. Yet sitting quietly, lurking at the bottom of this sub section is an assassin…Isidro Herrera. Perhaps you’re new to the game and haven’t heard of him (Watch this), well let me safely say this dude is a stud. He can go bag for bag with the best of them. The scariest part...I don’t think we have seen the best of him yet this year. I think in the end Schermerhorn loses a close one to Herrera

Bottom Right:

If you have listened to the Big Asp Cornhole podcast recently, you have probably heard me speaking about Matthew Stout. This kid is a baller. He is 9th in Singles PPR at 9.82 and 4th in 4B% (4 bagger percentage) at 37.90%..my Lord is that good. I think it will be a battle of “juniors” as we have Stout taking on Justin Stranger. Sometimes I think Stranger is too smart for his own good. Perhaps he is over analyzing things? Perhaps he’s just a kid being a kid? Only Justin, or perhaps his father (who has excellent taste in Beers might I add) really know. Stout wins over Stranger this time, but these are two names that will be around for years to come.

2012 called and they wanted their cornhole players back, as Lester Price faces off against Derrick King. Talent alone…King wins. But this game is at the very least 50% mental, and King just seems to have something going on upstairs. I think people know he is really good, but perhaps they forget that he was THE PHENOM coming up as a young stud. Cornhole is better when King is playing his best. That being said, I am going out on a limb and saying King battles past Lester price and earns a date with Kamryn Belvin (sorry Mr. Cornhole Science….she’s just really good). Belvin is coming off a solid conference tournament performance where she won Women’s singles and took 2nd in Doubles. Belvin wins and earns a spot to play against Eric Anderson. EA has all the talent in the world. But enough is enough…time to show up and show out. Big time players win big time matches….time will tell. If I’m wrong, I am a homer, but I could live with that. EA over Belvin that sets up a must see match between Anderson and Stout.

Quarter Finals:

Daymon Dennis vs Matthew Morton

Allan Rockwell vs Nate Stevens

Jordan Camba vs Isidro Herrera

Matthew Stout vs Eric Anderson

Bracket B:

Top Left:

Ty Lopez has been having himself a solid year, but don’t count out Chad Webb. This match will be an entertaining one. I think Sarah Cassidy has the potential to make a bit of a run, but ultimately, this section belongs to Cody Henderson.

I said in an interview with Trey Ryder that Greg Geary’s performances have been somewhat lack luster so far this year. The guys is really good, I just don’t see his trend going down anymore. Trae Kelly made some noise at National number 1 when he knocked of Matt Guy in an epic comeback, but I think Geary, being battle tested and hungry, is too much for Kelly. Duncan Clemmer is a name I mentioned several times last article. Thankfully he made me look pretty smart. I know people have been talking up Chris Tornaola, but people, we NEED this guy to go 0-2 so we have plenty of live feeds to watch! Clemmer vs Geary in a match I’d pay to watch.

Bottom Left:


I like Erick Davis coming out of this sub section, but I think it’s worth mentioning the match between Yetty Irwan and John Fuentez. Slick bag player vs slick bag player, this match could last an hour. I picked against Fuentez last National (thank you Mr. Sutton), so for the sake of keeping the universe happy, I say Fuentez edges past Yetty. Peter Zazueta Jr has been one of the surprise singles players of the year. He has been very solid, but I just have a feeling Fuentez is going to get hot and earn a match against Mr. Erick Davis.

Frank Modlin has had a quiet, but very solid year thus far. He is about as consistent as they come and you just can’t ever count him out. I think Modlin does enough against Tom Gustafson to earn a match with Ryan Windsor. Windsor starting getting back in form, seemingly getting over, or dealing with his injury better. I love Modlin…but Cornhole Gods..if you can hear this….give the people what we want…Erick Davis vs Ryan Windsor

Top Right:

Jamie Graham has been solid this year! So much so he earned a 2 seed in this bracket. That’s where the good news ends. This little subsection has serious TALENT. Graham, Tony Smith and Eddie Grinderslev. Any of those three could win a National in Singles, let alone battle it out in some 2 or 3rd round match. Both Grinderslev and Smith have been somewhat underwhelming and are WAY better than their seeds. Jamie Graham was player of the year last year because he is consistent and plays really smart. I watched Tony Smith jump out to an 18-0 lead to the King Slayer, Tanner Halbert, at an ACL open, only to fall apart in front of my eyes. I know the talent is there…and I am just waiting for him to bust out. Until then give me Graham over Smith all day long.

Sheila Roy vs Drew Brown should be a solid match. Brown is way better than his 39 seed, so I am going with Brown here. James Washington is a scary individual when he starts rolling. If he starts hot, Brown will have his hands full trying to slow the big man down. Glen Gundle (ironically Drew Brown’s pro partner) has been solid this year. A slick bag player who has benefitted from board conditions, I can see him giving the 10th seeded Matthew Sorrells a match. Ultimately, Sorrells and Washington face-off. I am going with the battle of the big men in Graham vs Washington in the quarterfinals.

Bottom Right:

Mike Ferreira has an excellent draw, in my opinion. Maya Cupp is an excellent player, who just seems to fall off a bit in the Singles events despite posting excellent numbers. Andrew Robinson has been solid through the first two National events and I could see him battling with Bob Vonch in the 2nd round. Vonch in his trademark white New Balance shoes and jean shorts, like a dad on Sunday getting ready to mow the lawn, just consistently performs well at these big events. I think he ends up losing to Ferreira for a spot in the quarterfinals.

In my First preview, I told people to take notice of a dude from Michigan…Mike Jacques. I have had the opportunity to watch him throw in person a few times and the dude is nasty. Fully recovered from an injury that limited him last year, Jacquez has the tools to make a deep run. Unfortunately for him, he is in the same sub section as Mr James Baldwin. James Baldwin thrives in these formats. The lights will be bright, shades will be on…everyone will be in big, big trouble

Quarter Finals:

Cody Henderson vs Greg Geary

Erick Davis vs Ryan Windsor

Jamie Graham vs James Washington

Mike Ferreira vs James Baldwin

Bracket C:

Top Left:

I all but predicted Steven Bernacet from winning the damn thing last time. Watching him win it all I was kicking myself as I had written “This will be the tournament where people will ask Who is Bernacet?” The man is a stud, and does an excellent interview by the way (Big Asp Podcast Episode 65- Shameless plug). Scott Schultz vs Logan Virgilio is a match I would want to watch. Logan is a first year pro, but throws a great bag. I think he will improve his 48th seed by the end of the season, but he has a tough draw here. I see Schultz facing off against James Reschke. James throws a great bag and recently transitioned from stepping to no step. Comfortable in his release, the kid has a smooth Airmail and plays fearless. Reschke loses to the new boss of the block, Bernacet.

Hey Dave Sutton, thanks for making me look smart last time. I greatly appreciate it. But this time? I am going with Mike Harvey. I am a big time fan of Harvey’s game and I think he has top 4 potential. This year? Maybe not, but it wouldn’t shock me. Noah Wooten….I just can’t predict him. Coming off Nation number 1, he was looking like an MVP candidate. Then he fell off big time at National 2. In the end, he is a stud player, but I am going with the upset…Harvey goes on a run and makes it to the Quartfinals to face off again Bernacet

Bottom Left:

Matt Guy a 4th seed. Just looks funny. He eventually faces off against the winner of Leston Allen and Jay Corley (ironically Allen and Corley just won the advanced blind draw at their conference together). Corley has been hot recently and is playing like he has mouths to feed. Let’s go with Guy over Corley.

A match I am hoping we get to see in the 2nd round is Josh Groce vs Jacob Beamer. BG on BG crime in that match. Josh Groce is too good to be sitting at a 21 seed, and Beamer is ahead of schedule. I like Groce to make a run. Bret Guy, had himself a weekend at National Number 2! If you read my previous preview, I had talked about how Bret typically does amazing, in Singles, at one national per year. I am sticking with what history has typically taught us. Groce over Guy to spoil the potential Guy Nation quarterfinal

Top Right:

Brevon Valdivia is doing California proud. He backed up his excellent performance at the first National, with a quality finish at the second. He has a tough sub section, but I think he has earned the benefit of the doubt. I see Brevon meeting Jordan Power in round 3. Power is a stud and has the abilities to win a National event one day. I am reluctantly leaning to Valdivia on this one, only because this is Power’s first year as a pro…and at this level experience does seem to matter.

I couldn’t be happier to see Tyler Cobb at a 10 seed, as a rookie, far outperforming any preseason expectations. I had picked him in a National Draft as a player no one would know and it paid off. Unfortunately, he will meet Cleveland local, Kevin Allen. Kevin is a silent killer on the board. Plays a block push game and rarely gives up the big round…he just makes your life miserable on the boards. This time I am betting on my dude, Kevin to step up and sneak past the young gun Cobb. Allen eventually meets this sub section’s winner, Devon Harbaugh. Devon is rounding into form and is showing the world how good he can be. I still don’t know if he has it in him to win the entire thing…but I see Harbaugh being in the mix all the time now

Bottom Right:

I love my dudes Anthony Kissel and Chad Braun…but Jay Rubin wants a National Singles title so bad. I would pay to watch Rubin battle it out with the young (BIG) gun from Texas, Kaleb Batson. His release reminds me of Harbaugh a bit, but he kinda looks like Trey Burchfield from 3-4 years ago. If Rubin stays sharp mentally, I think he handles Batson….but I would not be surprised if Batson won a National before Rubin

This sub section is a toss-up. Is Bill Hadley really an 11 seed? Or did he get really hot one day last National? Again, I’d like to see him prove it. I am going for a potential match-up of Haseeb Habiban vs Ernest Herrera. Nothing against Corey Morrison (he is really good), but these are the types of sections that typically someone comes out of nowhere.


Steven Bernacet vs Mike Harvery

Mat Guy vs Josh Groce

Brevon Valdivia vs Devon Harbaugh

Jay Rubin vs Ernest Herrera

Bracket D:

Top Left:

Proud of you for making it this far! Trey Burchfield against the world. Slam Dunk. Trey wins this sub section. Maybe Danny Seals gets a fresh new pair of slacks and is feeling it, and scores a point….but it’s Trey to lose.

Stylistically I am really hoping we get to see the match between Jimmy McGuffin and  AJ Sims. Two of my favorites to watch when they are locked in. Neither player throws a “pretty bag” and I respect them because of it. AJ would have to make it past Tucker Stills, but I think Stills is a year away from really making a huge splash…although the kid is tough. Let’s be bold, let’s dream. Aj Sims over McGuffin in a match they will show highlights of. AJ then earns the right to lose to Trey Burchfield.

Bottom Left:

These sub sections have my two favorite first round matches! The first being John Kitchen vs Kyle Malone. How about that shit?!?! Kitchen, who I spoke very highly of last National, gets just a shit draw (see doubles as well). Malone is smooth and seems to beat everyone expect for Wooten. I think Malone edges Kitchen out in a big time dual. Adam Hissner, a 4th seed gets a first round bye, but round two I’m guessing he faces off against Tom Walter. These two have faced off just a few times in their careers. Against anyone else, I might have picked Walter as a sleeper, but Adam will take care of business. Hissner vs Malone


My other favorite first round match is Tyler Parent vs Jeff Reynolds. This is a coin flip for me, but because he is coming off a MidEast Conference win (singles), I will go with Reynolds here. Allison Peters has been performing well on the women’s side and it is only a matter of time before she strings a few wins together in pro singles. Ultimately, someone must have said something about carpet, because Jeff is playing like he wants to win again. Jimmy Youmans showed everyone at the last National how good he is! If he plays smart and avoids giving upthe big rounds, I will take Youmans over Reynolds.

Top Right:

Ryan Smith is back and that is a good thing for cornhole. Very consistent, tough to beat in singles. Cheyenne Renner is a name I have been waiting to break through to a quarterfinal, but I just don’t see it happening against Smith.

Call me crazy, but I think the winner of Eric Ryder vs Timothy Pitcher wins this sub section. I could be wrong of course and Turpin or Doss strolls on through, but Ryder and Pitcher have been there before…they are battle tested. Give me Eric Ryder who makes a run to face off against Ryan Smith

Bottom Right:

Justin Lang has been solid, like very solid. Next to Valdivia, he has been that player who has truly turned me into a believer. I see Lang facing off against the winner of Keith Perry and Austin Reynard. Austin has publically stated he is happy where his game is at and that he has been able to play more….thats nice. I will take Perry, a rookie out of Pittsburgh who is big, athletic and just seems to find a way to win. Lang vs Perry would make a great match to watch. Neither player fucks around. They put bags in the hole…I’m going with experience on this again; Lang over Perry in a close match

People made comments when I said William Smith could make some noise at the last National…well well well here he is as an 11 seed. I think he edges out Philip Haydon in a barn burner. Jay Dotson has given me ZERO this year. He has played well below his potential and for that very reason, I am picking him to go on a run and upset Jordan Kimbrell.


Trey Burchfield vs AJ Sims

Jimmy Youmans vs Jeff Reynolds

Ryan Smith vs Eric Ryder

Justin Lang vs Jay Dotson

How it breaks down….

Quarter Finals: Bracket A

Daymon Dennis over Matthew Morton

Allan Rockwell over Nate Stevens

Jordan Camba over Isidro Herrera

Matthew Stout over Eric Anderson

·         Semifinals:

o   Daymon Dennis over Allan Rockwell

o   Jordan Camba over Matthew Stout

Quarterfinals: Bracket B

Cody Henderson over Greg Geary

Erick Davis over Ryan Windsor

Jamie Graham over James Washington

James Baldwin over Mike Ferreira

·         Semifinals:

o   Cody Henderson over Erick Davis

o   Jamie Graham over James Baldwin

o   ***impossible to pick with these 4

Quarterfinals: Bracket C

Steven Bernacet over Mike Harvery

Matt Guy over Josh Groce

Brevon Valdivia over Devon Harbaugh

Jay Rubin over Ernest Herrera

·         Semifinals:

o   Matt Guy over Steven Bernacet

o   Jay Rubin over Brevon Valdivia


Quarterfinals: Bracket D

Trey Burchfield over AJ Sims

Kyle Malone over Jimmy Youmans

Ryan Smith over Eric Ryder

Justin Lang over Jay Dotson

·         Semifinals:

o   Burchfield over Kyle Malone

o   Ryan Smith over Justin Lang

Final 4:

Bracket A: Jordan Camba

Bracket B: Cody Henderson

Bracket C: Matt Guy

Bracket D: Trey Burchfield

I went back and forth on the final 4 about 10 times. Could I see Erick Davis, Ryan Smith, James Baldwin, etc in the mix? ABSOLUTELY. But I can only pick 4..let’s see how it plays out! Be sure to check out my Doubles Preview! As always, I hope you throw it straight, and it’s nothing but 4 baggers from here on out! Cheers!




How to: Start a cornhole league